Moose Jaw R/C Club Executive

Wayne Kondel
President / Secretary
My fascination for flight over the course of several years has led me to the Moose Jaw Remote Control Club. I recently took up the hobby for something to do after retiring and it quickly became an obsession. The MJRCC is an Incorporated (Non Profit) Club going into its 55th year of operation down at Hamilton Flats, Moose Jaw. Our 6 well experienced flight instructors will have you up flying solo in no time and did I mention there is no cost for this other than joining the club? A membership with the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada ( www.maac.ca )is required also as they provide us insurance. Personally I used the Realflight Simulator on a PC to get the hang of it and it makes it so much easier down at the field with the instructor. NEW for 2023 will be the Remote Control Surface Track that the club completed just before snowfall. Please check out our very low club rates. Anyone can request a free introductory flight with an instructor and the same goes with the surface track, if you have an RC bring it down and try out our track. If you think its for you, please join our club. Our club instructors have access to a traditional glow type trainer plane as well as the newer electric trainer plane for training an/or an introductory flight. Hope to see you at the club field in 2023. For more info use the Contact Us link.

Dwight Chartrand
Wings and Safety
My name is Dwight Chartrand and I am the current Wings and Safety person for Moose Jaw's radio control club. I have been a member of Moose Jaw Radio control club since 1983. My first airplane was a Sig Kadet with a .40 glow engine, this was long before ARF airplanes. My first aircrafts were more the sport or pattern types that used with many gallons of glow fuel to achieved an A through D or instructor rating. Currently I have mostly gas powered quarter and third scale fixed wing airplanes which include Chipmunk, Edge 540, Extra 330, Paulistinha the largest at 141 inch span. Small electrics like a Cub, Sukhoi, Beast. A couple quadcopters. My newest acquisition a Flex RV8. So I guess my love of the hobby has peeked my interest and challenged me and changed over the years. Moose Jaw Radio control is affiliated with MAAC ( Model Aeronautics Association of Canada) https://www.maac.ca/en/ and abides by it rules and regulations. It is my goal to keep as much as possible a safe environment for all members of the club, spectators if any and the surrounding area of our field that is well placed within the city limits of Moose Jaw. Also it's my goal trying to keep alive the wings program only for those who would like the challenge of progressing their flying skills. We have a drone area for those interested, as well as a new RC car track. We the club welcome those interested and encourage you to please contact us or come to the field to get more information about our club.

Sid Haubrick
Vice President
About 1966 Len Treiber offered me a part time job working at his store the Hobby Center. Now that I was earning some cash I could buy my first gas powered flying model. A Cox PT19 control line trainer. A year or so after that I guess 1968 Len told me he was starting a flying club for model airplanes. I remember well the meetings and being at the very first one held in the basement of the Hobby Center. I was lucky enough to be there at the very beginning of the club.
Over the next 50 some years I drifted in and out of the club do to work and life commitments but always stayed in close contact with the club. My interests are with all types of aviation and of course all types of model aviation also.
Looking forward to serving our great club as vice president. Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.

Kerry Olson
Treasurer / Maintenance
Kerry began with his first purchased kit in 1984. Most aircraft that he has stuck with are in the mid range .40/.60 two stroke size. Throughout the years he has taught a wide range of prospects, and been involved recently on the executive team of the Moose Jaw Radio Control Aircraft Club. Kerry was instrumental in chairing the Club display each year in conjunction with the Moose Jaw Thunder Creek Railroad Club located at the Western Development Museum.
Join our club!
Our club is home to a large grass flying field, smaller paved landing area, multicopter (drone) flight area, and newly built dirt ground vehicle racing track
Membership Information
All members must have a current valid MAAC membership in addition to paying yearly club membership dues.
To purchase a MAAC membership go here
Membership Dues
Adult (18 and older): $100.00
Spouse/Partner: $50.00
Junior: $25.00